Students at the school at the end of each year elect representatives School Captains and Vice Captains (depending on the number of students at Year 6 level).

In 2017, with no students at the Year 6 level, students decided that they would use this time to develop and implement their leadership skills as a team.

These students are involved in a range of roles to develop leadership skills.

Leadership roles may include:

  • writing a column for the school newsletter
  • presenting whole school assemblies – this includes organising the agenda, liaising with staff and students providing an opportunity to many students to practise public speaking
  • organizing fundraisers for school and community projects. The may include Casual Dress Days, Wacky Hair Days and a variety of student instigated fundraising ideas
  • designing the Year 6 top for the year
  • assisting with showing parents and prospective students around our school
  • greeting visitors
  • organizing tabloid sports for the rest of the school
  • thanking guest speakers at Cluster events
  • working one on one with students in the junior classes displaying a nurturing big brother, big sister relationship with the students

Leadership skills are developed through

  • Leadership Camps (when available)
  • GRIP Leadership Conference:
  • Transition Days as part of the Ovens Learning Community Cluster of schools