KidsMatter Information Sheets

Mental Health Matters

It’s a fact that children can be taught how to cope with their emotions, to bounce back from problems, and to develop positive relationships – this is called ‘social and emotional learning’.

It’s also a fact that a child’s family is the first and biggest influence on their mental health. Basically, families can teach children these skills as early as possible in life – even from when they’re babies!

KidsMatter provides families with a range of information sheets to help them support children’s mental health and wellbeing, and to recognise if and when professional help is needed. 

They contain practical information, tips, and strategies across a range of common childhood issues, and were prepared by professionals experienced in the area of children’s mental health and development.

You may copy these materials freely provided acknowledgment is made to the sources.

Some information for families on children’s mental health and wellbeing is available in eight languages other than English.